Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Selection Box #9 - The Wire

Critics claim its the greatest show in tv history and it is my own personal favourite, so its about time that The Wire makes it into "The Selection Box"...
Its rare that you get a show that is as complex and amazing as The Wire - every episode feels like a feature lenght movie and as each episode ends disappointment sinks in because its over, but then you remember its a TV show and I've got all the episodes on DVD, so you can go straight into the next one...
While The Wire has overall storyarcs that the show revolves around, its the characters that the viewers care about, whether they be the good guys like Jimmy McNulty and Bunk Moreland or the bad guys like Avon Barksdale and Stringer Bell - although its tough to categorise people into good and bad categories in the wire as the majority of the characters fall into the grey area...
The acting in this series is next to none and as a viewer you really feel like these are real people and not just characters on a TV show...
I'm always feel jealous of people who haven't seen the show yet, because they have the opportunity to experience the show with fresh eyes and can have those, Fuck, that did not just happen moments and not know what is coming next, although even knowing how it all ends, the show is still one that you'll want to watch over and over again...
Wait, what's that? You haven't seen the Wire? "Shiiiiiiit!!" What are you waiting for - get out there and start watching...

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